How Starting a Business can help you Improve yourself

How Starting a Business can help you Improve yourself

Downgrade your Main Hustle and Upgrade Yourself

Have you ever considered pumping the brakes in your career progression? 

Maybe the time you’re spending on your main hustle is keeping you from building your empire, from focusing on your business, or from starting a side hustle.

 Maybe these are all keeping you from reaching your greatness. 

Let’s unpack that.

Let’s talk about downgrading your main hustle. It’s kind of a scary thought. It’s probably something no one’s really thought about. Downgrading your current job so that you can focus on your side hustle or starting a business, almost sounds counter intuitive, doesn’t it? But it’s not. 

Going along this journey isn’t for the meek or the mild. It’s for the warrior spirits, the lions because this means you are committing. This is a terrifying alternative for some of you, those of you that are in the traditional career track, or hustling for your boss, or your CEO. 

I’d like to propose a different thought. 

Your day job is costing you more than it’s making you. What is your day job costing you? 

1. Your day job is costing you time.

It’s definitely costing you time. 

How are you working hard all day from 8 to 5 but back in the 70s and 80s, it was nine to five, but we slowly progressed.

My jobs are normally 7:00 or 7:30 to 5:00, that work time gets longer and longer. While you doing that work time, what time do you have for yourself? 

Do you have moments in your day for you to think about what you want in your life, your personal life, down during the workday? Aside from eating, taking your lunch, taking a mental break, going to the bathroom, are you given the opportunity to think about yourself during your workday? 

That’s eight, nine, ten, sometimes twelve hours. During that 12 hours, do you ever ponder what you want out of life and what your future is going to look like outside of the four walls of where you work? 

Those of you that are going after that overtime because you got goals, you got bills, you got student loans, you have family to feed, how do you work in overtime? You are working eight, nine, ten hours, and you’re working overtime. You’re building up your CEO’s company, your president’s company, your boss’s company. 

What are you doing for your company? 

So you’re working now ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen hours a day. You’re working on the weekends. You’re working in the evenings. Do you have time for yourself? Maybe, maybe not. 

2. Your day job is costing you mental energy.

I’d say your day job’s also costing you mental energy because when you’re doing something that you don’t love and have a passion for and that you each flow in every day, it’s exhausting. You come home from that, however long it was, 

You want to take a nap. 

You want to sit down. 

You want to binge eat and binge watch. 

You want to do something boring and mindless. 

You need to decompress. 

Instead of taking 15 or 30 minutes to decompress, it turns into an hour, or two, or three hours of decompression. Because you’re too tired to work out. You’re too tired to take care of yourself. You’re too tired for self-care, to pamper yourself and give yourself a facial, and put some eye cream on, and wash your hair, and blow dry it; and play with your kids, and talk to your husband or your wife and connect with your family. 

You’re exhausted but you’re doing it for them, right? 

Maybe, maybe not.

3. Your day job is costing you confusion.

Another thing your day job is costing you, is confusion. 

You’re confusing the energy of your whole spirit. 

If your spirit, mind, and body isn’t in something like fully in it, but you do it every day, that sounds counterintuitive. We put ourselves in these boxes of what we have to do, what we must do, and we never think about why you feel that way. 

You never think about the alternatives and once you get so deep down that rabbit hole of working a day job, you don’t ever come back out, and reconsider, 

“What can I do different?”.

Here’s my proposal, if you have a job, if you have a career, maybe you need to take yourself out of the running for that next promotion. Maybe you need to take your name out of that hat. It’s drastic but is the next promotion going to give you more time in your day? 

The last person that you know that got the promotion, do they work less? Do they have to focus more? Are they responsible for less? 


Your ultimate goal is to start a business, or start a side hustle, or get back to you. But if you keep taking the next promotion, and the next job opportunity, you’ll never get there. 

Meanwhile, you’re upgrading. You’re upgrading your life. Upgrading your house. You’re upgrading your car. You’re upgrading your bills. You’re upgrading your wardrobe. Just keep upgrading, and that spending up all the money that you’re getting from all your opportunities and your upgrades. 

There’s nothing wrong with saying no. Nothing wrong with saying, “Hey Bob, thanks for offering me that chance to work extra hours for that promotion, that I may or may not get, but no, that’s OK, I’m cool where I’m at.” 

You need to start working on yourself.

Some of you are working a challenging job. Some of you all work fast food, or at a call center, or whatever, and I’m not knocking your job. I’m just saying at that job sometimes you have time, sometimes you don’t. 

About 10 years ago I was working for Home Shopping Network as a side job while I was in school full time. I loved it. I work nights, and outside of special events and holidays, I would have huge chunks of time when there are no calls coming in. 

I work from home by the way, this is 10 years ago, before COVID, before all this. 

So, I worked at home, I could literally be watching movies, I could be doing my homework, like I said I was in college full time at that time, and I could be doing anything I want to do, and I would might have 15, 30, 45 minutes, to an hour without getting a phone call of somebody ordering something from HSN. 

It was brilliant. I could come up with and actually came up with my first job which is Everyday Assistant because I had time to think and my mind was free.

Then there were days I was hustling. There are days I’d work a whole shift six, seven, eight hours, and it was like back to back to back to back calls. But that job afforded me the opportunity to decompress and clear my mind and focus on myself, and it happened a lot. 

Does your job give you that? 

Maybe you need to find that kind of job. Maybe you need the kind of job where you’re sitting down somewhere and you’re servicing customers, but it’s not continuous. Maybe you know somebody like that. 

Some people say those are boring jobs but those are the people that aren’t using it to their advantage. Listening to audiobooks, listening to podcast, listening to YouTube, planning, and plotting their next move. You need time to do that, and if you’re working a job that you’re constantly grinding for, and constantly working on somebody else’s agenda, you can’t do that. 

Think about this . 

If your goal is to reach up your exponential greatness outside of your current job, then start your business or start a side hustle. 

If you’re happy where you are maybe this isn’t the video for you, and that’s OK. But if you’re not, think about it, think about why you keep going for the next thing. 

Why you keep wanting that next thing in the promotion? 

Is it for a status? 

Is it for recognition? 

Who do you need that from and why? 

I say build up your damn self.  Get yours so you can provide for your family that way, and you’re responsible for you, that’s just my opinion though. Think about it. 

Downgrade your main hustle, so you can upgrade your side hustle or start a business. 

I’m doing it right now and I’ll let you know how it goes.